Accelerating the New Era in Biomedicine

ProSTEM continues to develop facilities and competencies, collaborating with research institutes, institutions and hospitals to actively contribute to realizing "Indonesia becomes a host in its own country" regarding health independence, especially clinical applications of stem cell-based therapy, cells and their derivatives. This includes the development of laboratory processing facilities and human resource competencies to meet the needs of regenerative therapy. Supported by collaboration with educational institutions, research institutes, and hospitals, ProSTEM actively contributes to health reform, ensuring that Indonesia becomes a host in its own country for regenerative therapy services using high-quality, safe, and effective stem cells, cells, and metabolites.

Why It Must Be ProSTEM?

ProSTEM, as the most comprehensive and advanced laboratory, has obtained operational permits from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Good Manufacturing Practice (CPOB) certification from the Indonesian Food and Drug Administration (BPOM), as well as ISO 9001:2015 certification for quality management. The ProSTEM Laboratory Processing, Storage, and Testing Facilities are also equipped with automated equipment to ensure consistent and high-quality results. yang konsisten dan berkualitas terbaik


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Personalized Medicine: Terapi Berbasis Sel
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Stem cell untuk Kebotakan
Atasi Kebotakan dengan Stem Cell
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Stem Cell untuk Jantung, Perkembangan Pengobatan untuk Serangan Jantung
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Stem Cell untuk Rejuvenasi Kulit: Apa Saja Manfaatnya?
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Bukti Klinis Stem Cell untuk Cerebral Palsy
Bukti klinis Stem Cell untuk Cerebral Palsy Berdasarkan Laporan Studi Kasus
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ProSTEM Sebagai Pelopor Laboratorium Penunjang Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan di Indonesia
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Kembangkan Terapi Regeneratif untuk Stroke, Prodia StemCell Gandeng BRIN
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Pentingnya Pengelolaan Bahan Baku terhadap Mutu Produk Sel untuk Aplikasi Klinis
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ProSTEM Menghadiri Konferensi ACTO 2022
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Kunjungan Mahasiswa S1-biologi SITH ITB ke ACT-PLAB Prostem
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Explore the Advanced Cell Therapy Production Laboratory (ACT-PLab) ProSTEM Exclusively

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