

Dalam menjalankan usahanya, ProSTEM dilengkapi dengan fasilitas penelitian yang didukung oleh jaringan dan kerja sama dengan rumah sakit pendidikan di Indonesia serta para peneliti dan klinisi di bidang sel punca. Dengan demikian, ProSTEM berperan aktif dalam kemajuan terapi, teknologi, dan informasi di bidang kedokteran regeneratif. Untuk penelitian yang baik dan bermutu, ProSTEM hanya melaksanakan penelitian yang telah mendapatkan Ethical Clearance atau keterangan lolos kaji etik dari komite kaji etik penelitian di Indonesia.


ProSTEM operates processing, testing, and cryogenic facilities 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. ProSTEM has a processing laboratory comply with cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) specifications, which pays attention to microbial control, number of particles, room temperature, humidity, light intensity, airflow, and pressure. These monitoring are important to be applied in stem cell processing laboratories because they can affect the quality of stem cells.

Comprehensive Laboratory

Laboratorium ProSTEM terletak di lokasi yang strategis dan bebas banjir di Jalan Kramat VII No.11, Jakarta Pusat dengan fasilitas yang lengkap untuk pengolahan serta penyimpanan sel punca dan beroperasi selama 24 jam. Sel punca disimpan pada suhu -196°C dalam tangki nitrogen cair fase uap untuk mempertahankan kestabilan suhu sehingga dipastikan sel punca tersimpan dengan baik dalam jangka waktu yang cukup panjang. ProSTEM juga memiliki cryoshipper yang digunakan sebagai wadah transportasi sel punca ke rumah sakit atau klinik untuk melakukan terapi sel punca. Wadah tersebut dapat mempertahankan suhu kurang dari -150°C selama beberapa hari. Sistem keamanan laboratorium ProSTEM dilengkapi dengan pengawasan CCTV selama 24 jam, alat pemadam kebakaran dan fingerprint access. Secara berkala, dilakukan kalibrasi terhadap peralatan dan ruang laboratorium untuk memberikan mutu dan pelayanan yang terbaik.

Sample Feasibility Test

ProSTEM collaborates with the Prodia Clinical Laboratory to do screening or sample suitability testing. Prodia Clinical Laboratory has been accredited by national and international bodies, including the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) for ISO 15189, the College of American Pathologists (CAP, USA), and the Royal College of Pathologists Australia (RCPA), guarantee the quality of the tested result.

Peralatan, Metode dan Bahan Laboratorium

The equipment, methods, and procedures employed by ProSTEM are in accordance with the standards set by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) and the Foundation of Accreditation of Cellular Therapy – NetCord (FACT-NetCord), which are international standards for the collection, processing, storage, and therapy of stem cells, recognized by the international medical community. Similarly, the laboratory reagents and auxiliary materials selected and used by ProSTEM comply with applicable standards and are registered in Indonesia. Through collaboration with equipment and material suppliers, ProSTEM has the opportunity to be a prioritized company in obtaining up-to-date information regarding advancements in laboratory medical technology and regenerative therapy.

Human Resources

ProSTEM has a trained and experienced team who are committed to providing the best quality and service. ProSTEM is active in sharing knowledge and providing input on advances in stem cells by participating as a member and speaker at national and international seminars/congresses. ProSTEM also collaborates with hospitals and clinicians in collecting and administering stem cells. ProSTEM has an in vitro research facility to provide research in cell morphology, cell identity, and content identification such as protein. Our experts are ready to support specialist doctors/researchers in conducting stem cell research and therapy in Indonesia.

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